Graduation from Simmons School of Library & Information Science

Got some big shoes to fill! I’m now officially following in my mom and dad's footsteps with an MS in Library & Information Science (and a concentration in Libraries and Librarianship). Bonus library influences include my very organized Grandma Rose (a library volunteer) and Grandpa Andy (who read so many library books that he and Rose had a secret way of tracking the ones he'd already read by... ahem... gently defacing them).

Grad school flew by. I keep thinking I left my job last summer, but it was actually almost two years ago. I learned so much throughout school. And who knew we would be in such a severe battle against intellectual freedom on the other side. It’s awful and frustrating that a few disgruntled people can overtake access to entire communities, but the injustice is also galvanizing. Long live public and school libraries!

My next step is to start looking at local public library positions in the area so I can start being a practicing librarian. * Grins while clutching a stack of books to recommend *




Honeymoon at Wings Neck Lighthouse