New Stuff

Over the last few months, I've been giving this website a makeover.  New slideshows, a home page, a news feed (this is it), new banner, new photos, etc.  Here are some other changes I've made to the site, in case you were wondering:

Painting Timelines

Sometimes I like the look of an unfinished painting, even if it can't stay that way.  In progress photos are also helpful in diagnosing where a certain aspect of the painting went wrong, or if I am toeing the line between done and overworking, so I take these pictures as often as I can.  I sometimes have more than twenty of a single paintings and they start to look like a rather poorly made stop motion video.


Introductions to Sketchbooks

I have a lot of sketchbooks.  Here you can flip through their contents, and read about them and how they came to be.


Friends Page

Blogs/sites from Kara Kuntz, Thomas Moran, Dave Douglas, Eggy Ding, Mary Misura, Sandy Lowden, Bonfire Blue, Emily Rebecca Dwyer, and Marie Komanecky.  I've lived with all of these people at one point or another, and I love what they do.


Bye bye, ceramics
I took down my ceramic work because I haven't made anything ceramic in a few years now. I can do without the dust, but sometimes I miss slip-casting and sgrafftio decorating. Everything is archived here if you're interested: ceramics


Thunder Snow


David Byrne on Creativity and Context