Hannah Dunscombe is a painter, portrait artist, and aspiring graphic novelist based in Mansfield, MA.
Preserved bouquet
Over the last week and a half, I preserved my wedding bouquet in resin! I saw offers for this kind of service on Etsy, but it seemed like such a fun and meaningful keepsake that I wanted to learn how to do it myself.

Chapter 4, page 14
It’s taken me a little while to get back in the swing of things with the comic following all the hubbub around final school projects, graduation, summer festivities, and launching my job search. But I finally got back to work on a page I had partially colored back in April (!) and that sat abandoned until June.

Graduation from Simmons School of Library & Information Science
Got some big shoes to fill! I’m now officially following in my mom and dad's footsteps with an MS in Library & Information Science (and a concentration in Libraries and Librarianship).
Honeymoon at Wings Neck Lighthouse
In November, Chris and I had our honeymoon at Wings Neck Lighthouse on Cape Cod. Decommissioned at the end of WWII, it is still owned by the descendants of one of the former lighthouse keepers and they offer short-term rentals of the property.

Chapter 3 (and part of 4) are posted
I spent some time this week at the Ames Free Library in Easton scanning in the most recent 20 pages or so.

Starting a (literal) new chapter
I started working on a new chapter recently, and should have scans to share of chapter 3 fairly soon!

In memory of Mary
Mary commissioned five paintings over the course of ten years, on top of purchasing one of my favorite oil paintings.
Holidays 2022
This year we spent Christmas with my parents in Upstate NY. It was Chris’s first time spending the holidays there and it was so much fun to introduce him to our family traditions.

Our wedding attire
I got the dress secondhand and it cost $240. I found it one afternoon on Poshmark and pulled the trigger in a matter of minutes…

Our wedding: family/friend contributions and Ukrainian details
Our wedding would not have been possible without the help of our family and friends!

Our wedding stationary and design
What good is an art degree if you can’t cobble together some passable stationary?

Our wedding decor
We landed on a library theme for the wedding (and rounded it out with some autumnal motifs), and in between working on the comic all summer, I assembled the following details…

Portrait for our wedding
This is the result of a marathon painting session, Saturday to Sunday!

Time tracking on the comic
I used a physical agenda all summer to track my progress day to day, getting down to how long it took to create a single panel, or compose a page, and the optimal break time.

Scans of Chapters one and two
I’m really excited to finally have found a local scanner that I can use for the comics pages! Chapters 1 and 2 are complete, take a look!

This portrait was a good challenge for me, since tabby fur can be so complex. It’s very tempting to get out an eye-lash thin brush and articulate every fleck of white or black to add texture, but it can end up looking hyperrealistic and leave an awkward digital graphics vibe. Instead, I went heavy on the colored pencil, which naturally creates a texture with the grain of the paper, especially when combined with layers of different tones.

Monty & Toby
This is a recent commission that involved pulling two doggos from different photographs and placing them into one portrait.