Hannah Dunscombe is a painter, portrait artist, and aspiring graphic novelist based in Mansfield, MA.

Our wedding: family/friend contributions and Ukrainian details
Our wedding would not have been possible without the help of our family and friends!

Our wedding stationary and design
What good is an art degree if you can’t cobble together some passable stationary?

Our wedding decor
We landed on a library theme for the wedding (and rounded it out with some autumnal motifs), and in between working on the comic all summer, I assembled the following details…

Professional Portfolio
A major project for my Technology for Information Professionals class was building a professional portfolio using CSS and HTML… from scratch.

Holiday card 2021
This year’s holiday card is a little moody, which felt about right given how it’s been another rough one with the pandemic and a lot of transitions. Chris helped me pick it out from the photos I took on a walk with him a couple weeks ago.

DIY Save the Dates
We chose our wedding venue and date earlier this month and we are super stoked about it! I'm still trying to DIY and save money as much as possible since the wedding industry is bonkers (I already bought a secondhand dress from Poshmark and gave my hair its first trim since I did my last pixie cut pre-pandemic), and stationary was next up on the list. I had originally used Canva to design a save-the-date using one of the photos we took this past summer, but then decided something more handmade would feel more authentic…

Sample chapter complete
It's actually been complete for several weeks, but I've been busy rescanning, making edits, and putting together the full chapter on an external site. I started using Squarespace to host that, since I've been using Weebly for my portfolio page since 2009 and just don't think they are keeping up with the times…