Hannah Dunscombe is a painter, portrait artist, and aspiring graphic novelist based in Mansfield, MA.

Remembering Ivy
Whenever Ivy heard a noise that might be related to food, she perked up.
It could be the fridge door opening, or the crinkle of packaging, or even the sound of tablets rattling in a vitamin bottle.
She would pop out of her enclosure, ears alert, nose pointed upward to detect the scent of appetizing food, eyes eager for some confirmation of her suspicion, teeth chattering excitedly.
These would also be accompanied by the classic guinea pig sounds of anticipation: a hopeful "brweep! brweep! beweep!" and the metallic drumming sound of teeth gnawing on the bars of her enclosure.

Grandpa Andy’s parents emigrated from Ukraine in the early twentieth century. His father Michael Mysiura, son of Eudocia (Czornii) and Andreas Mysiura, left at age 18 and arrived at Ellis Island aboard the Graf Waldersee on June 21, 1907.
Roughly eight years later, Michael’s future wife, Anastasia (who later went by “Stella”) Dwulit made the same journey, leaving her parents Catherine and Alexander Dwulit and arriving in the United States at roughly the age of 16.

Snow night
The seismic rumble of a plow
vibrating the china plates and teacups,
slicing and quaking through the snow,
plucking out fresh potholes
and enclosing mouths of driveways
in sugary embankments.